Being Their World - Fatherhood, and Bonding with Your ToddlerSubscribe

Bonding with the toddler is the most amusing and beautiful feeling. One thing every new father must consider is to give the toddler time to grow. As a father, you must learn to be patient and compassionate. Babies are like flowers; they will bloom beautifully but gradually. Allow them to learn and show off their newly discovered skills to you. Please don't force your pace upon them. Bonding requires patience; frustration or anger can give your toddler childhood trauma. Toddlers may seem irritating as they blabber, ask random questions and throw tantrums if not answered, but new parents must understand that the toddler is in their learning phase. As they explore new things, they will naturally ask questions about them. Learn to be patient around them. 

Top 5 ways you can use as a father to bond with your toddlers 

1) Play peek-a-boo - It allows your toddler to learn that you exist even if they can't see you. Peek-a-boo helps in developing object permanence in toddlers. Object permanence is a term used for objects/events continuing to exist even though they can't be seen, heard, or touched. It helps in activating toddlers' senses and cognitive thinking. It also develops self-confidence in toddlers as they learn to stay happy and survive without seeing their parents.

2) Response - Kids' blabbering and giggles enlighten the home. As a father, your response can encourage your toddler to talk more. Even though you don't understand what your toddler is speaking, let them speak their heart out. Answer them as if you understand what they say. Ask small questions like how are you? What are you doing? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Keep repeating these words in front of your toddlers so they can quickly adapt to them and start speaking easily. Communicate with your toddler like an adult. When you see any toddler, you tend to mimic their baby talk. But when you speak to a toddler as they do, it can highly influence their speaking skills. Speak to your toddler in clear words.

3) Rewards & Punish - As much as you adore your little munchkin, it is also important to discipline them from a tender age. Reward your toddlers when they do something nice and punish & teach them when they do wrong things. Parents are the children's first teachers, teach them basic mannerisms from an early age. For instance - When your toddler learns something new, give them candy, a hug, words of appreciation, and plenty of kisses. 

When your toddler throws away food, speak to them in a stern voice and teach them why we shouldn't disrespect food. Don't categorise your toddler as good or bad; it can leave a traumatic scar on them and stay for life. For instance - If your toddler hits your pet, don't call them a bad child. Tell them how their behaviour is bad and why they shouldn't harm any animals. Categorise their bad and good behaviours. For instance - Telling them that kicking the food is bad behaviour and praying before eating food is good behaviour. 

4) Acknowledging emotions - While growing up, toddlers can go through a lot of emotions. Make sure to listen to your child and respond to them compassionately. Toddlers can throw a tantrum anytime, so make sure to stay calm. For instance, your child might get frustrated if an apple falls from their hand. Try to calm them down, let them know it's okay, and hand over another piece of Apple. 

5) Separation monster - Separation can be very scary for your toddler. You might have gone out to buy essentials, but your toddler will think you have permanently abandoned them. Speak to your child when you are required to go out. Tell them you love them and will return once they finish the work. Reassurance helps the baby stay calm and builds trust between the father and the child.

6) Developing Trust - Be honest with your child; tell them where you are taking them, who they will meet, what they will eat, etc. Don't deceive them because they will end up learning how to lie. 

For instance - If you want to take your toddler to the doctor, let them know. Be patient when they start throwing tantrums and make them understand why it is essential to them. This will build trust in their mind that their parents are truthful to them and they can rely on them. 



