What are the laws for abortion in India?Subscribe

Abortion is a medical procedure for ending a pregnancy. Pregnancy termination can occur for many reasons, such as the couple can't afford a child, high risk for genetic conditions, rape survivor, family pressure, etc. However, some might say that the woman didn't want a child, which is why she went for an abortion, but sometimes it's the other way around. 

Pregnancy is magical, but when people encounter rough circumstances, people think it is better not to bring the child into the world when the parents are not ready to take the responsibility on their shoulders. Parenting is a responsible duty and people must take it seriously. Even the slightest mistake of yours can ruin your child's life. You have to be in all your senses and full of heart to take over the responsibility of being parents. When people aren't gratified with pregnancy in the first place and become parents, they usually change their minds and take over the responsibility. Still, in a majority of cases, people become aggressive. The aggression of suddenly carrying a child's responsibility makes them rebellious and vicious. This leads to abusive parenting, childhood trauma, family chaos, drug overdosing, grumpiness, crime, etc. 

Abortion is a medical way to terminate the child if the parents are not to take responsibility or under any other circumstances. Termination of the pregnancy can be conducted either by consuming medication or surgically. 

But is abortion legal in India?

Indian law does not grant complete control over terminating the pregnancy, but abortion in India is legal under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971 with specific protocols. Suppose the termination of the pregnancy takes place by violating the guidelines/law; that will be considered a crime. It is a crime to perform any test/ ultrasound to know the sex of the foetus. It is also a crime if the couple or family members force the pregnant woman into an abortion after learning the sex of the foetus. This is a punishable offense under section 312 of the Indian Penal Code. For causing miscarriage, the offender shall be imprisoned for three years, liable to a fine, or both. For causing miscarriage to a woman quick with child (when a woman starts feeling the child's movement) shall be imprisoned up to 7 years and fined.

1) A woman has all right to abort the pregnancy if there is any threat to her health due to childbirth. 

2) A woman can abort the pregnancy if the doctor proclaims that the child will have mental or physical disabilities.

3) Under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971, a woman can terminate the pregnancy within 12 to 20 weeks and have at least one doctor's approval.

4) A woman who intends to terminate the pregnancy within 20 to 24 weeks of pregnancy shall have two doctors' approval. 

5) In case of fetal malformation after 24 weeks of pregnancy, the state medical board will be set up to decide if the termination will happen. 

6) The recent amendments have increased the upper gestation period from 20 to 24 weeks for particular groups of women, including sexual assault & rape survivors, minors, disabled women and others. 

We hope this article was helpful to you. If you wish to read more articles about parenting, law, counseling, etc., you can read our other articles. 




